Aktuell vom 14.10.2024 - 09:21:27 Uhr
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45139 A00127,0850 MHzn/aEssen-SüdostviertelJO31MK49BI13RF130, Erik

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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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45139 A002149,0250 MHzn/aEssen-SüdostviertelJO31MK49BI13RF130, Erik

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Offline /
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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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45239 A003149.0875 MHzn/aEssen-WerdenJO31MJ14CE13RF230, Mario

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Offline /
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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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39291 A00527.3950 MHzn/aMöckern-TrypphenaJO52WD99PNDieter

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TS2-Status / letzter LoginKennungNameTS2 / TS3Teamspeak-DatenVerantwortlich für VL

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V001Verlinkung TS3TS388.80.197.64:876813RF130, Erik

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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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V002Freies-Funknetz.deTS2voice.ts-ffn.com:876713RF130, Erik

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V003Funker OberschwabenTS262.146.10.131:5094www.funkeroberschwaben.com

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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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V004Die NiederrheinerTS262.108.37.61:876713RF130, Erik

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Offline /
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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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V005TS-Funk-Gemeinschaft DeutschlandTS2berndbernd7586.no-ip.org:876713RF130, Erik

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Offline /
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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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V006Funkserver Heidenreichstein (AT)TS2funkserver.gfreiter.at:876713RF130, Erik

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Offline /
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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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V007CB-Funk-Berlin OriginalTS2hattihome.ath.cx:8767Hatti, Hartmut

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Offline /
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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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Unsere sonstigen Dienste

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TS2-Status / letzter LoginDienstnameBetreiber

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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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Rezeption mit Voicemail-Funktion um Nachrichten an User zu hinterlassen13RF130, Erik

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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
Offline /
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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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WWW-SSTV Gateway CB0ESN_RF zum Teamspeak213RF130, Erik

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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
Offline /
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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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AFU-Relais DB0TT - Schwerte, JO31SL - 438.650 MHz &
AFU-Relais DB0DO - Schwerte, JO31SL - 145.7375 MHz
13RF130, Erik

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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
Offline /
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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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AFU-Relais DB0EE - Emmerich-Elten, JO31CU - 145.6625 MHz13RF130, Erik

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Offline /
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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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AFU-Relais DB0ZU - Zugspitze, JN57LK - 2m/70cm/23cm
AFU-Relais DB0RZ - Bussen (Nur Sonn-/Feiertags 10-18 Uhr MEZ)
13RF130, Erik

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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
Offline /
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Cannot connect: (111)-Connection refused
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AFU-Relais Taunus-Relais-Gruppe (Zusammenschaltung mehrerer Relais)13RF130, Erik